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Oak Flat Campground

Oak Flat Campground

Forest Service, Golden State Hwy, Rd 6N46, Castaic, CA 91384

(818) 482-8937
(661) 269-2808

2800-foot elevation that offers 27 campsites. Water is not available and Campsites are first come – first served. RV’s to 18′. Adventure Pass required for vehicles parked at this campground. From Castaic at intersection of I-5 and Lake Hughes Rd., take I-5 north 5.3 miles to Templin Hwy exit. Take Templin Hwy off ramp to end of ramp. Turn left and go 0.1 miles to “T” intersection. Turn right onto Golden State Hwy and go 3 miles to Oak Flats Fire Station sign. Turn left at sign and go 0.1 miles to campground (behind fire station). Open year round and an Adventure Pass is required.